A picture of the Telelumen Octa programmable LED luminaire. A ceiling mountable 2x2 LED luminaire with 8 LED channels able to synthesize full spectrum natural daylight including D50, and D65 CIE standard illuminants.

Octa Light Player

The Octa Light Player is one of several multi‐channel light synthesizers from Telelumen. It offers 8‐channel, full‐spectrum, dynamic lighting of 2,000 lumens across the entire color temperature range of 1500K to 20000K (fire to blue sky) with high color rendering.

In addition to standard white light tuning, Octa spectral light output can cover a majority of the CIE color space and saturate or de‐saturate portions of the spectrum while keeping the chromaticity constant. Optional LED channels with peak wavelengths from near UV to deep red allow a very wide variety of SPD to be synthesized. This kind of flexibility is critical for circadian lighting, photography, displays, sensors, plant and animal research, color management, including light booths, and many more applications. The Octa light Player is available in standard “white” and as an option in “black”. Click here for white and here for black ”options.

Click Here for White

Click Here for Black

Octa Vio-44 Light Player

The Octa Vio‐44 Light Player is a concentrated addition to the Octa family of luminaires. The primary improvement is the compact light source – 44 mm in diameter – that incorporates the same number of LEDs as a traditional Octa. The smaller source size allows more control over the spatial distribution of light. It also includes a Bowens Mount, aka an S‐type mount, which is one of the most popular softbox and light modifier mounds in the lighting industry.

The Vio‐44 offers the same 8‐channel, full‐spectrum, dynamic lighting of 2,500 lumens across the entire color temperature range of 1500K to 20000K with high color rendering. In addition to standard white light tuning, Octa spectral light output can cover a majority of the CIE color space and saturate or de‐saturate portions of the spectrum while keeping the chromaticity constant. The Vio‐44 comes with a standard 16 mm mounting socket that connects to a variety of light stands available on the market. Click Here to Learn More.

A photo of the Telelumen Octa Vio-44 programmable LED luminaire. A portable and directionally focused LED luminaire with 8 LED channels able to synthesize full spectrum natural daylight including D50, and D65 CIE standard illuminants.
A photo of the Telelumen Dittosizer programmable LED luminaire. A ceiling mountable 2x2 LED luminaire with 24 LED channels able to synthesize hyperspectral spectra including NIR and UV frequencies in addition to natural daylight including D50, and D65 CIE standard illuminants.

Dittosizer Light Player

The Dittosizer Light Player is the latest multi‐channel light synthesizer from Telelumen. It offers 24 channels of continuous spectrum, from UVA through visible to NIR, dynamic illumination. Capable of 5,000 lumens output across the entire color temperature range of 1500K to 50000K with high color rendering. In addition to standard white light tuning, Dittosizer spectral light output can cover a majority of the CIE color space and saturate or desaturate portions of the spectrum while keeping the chromaticity constant. With the inclusion of 365nm CIE, daylight locus illuminants can be created with the required fluorescence. At the other end of the spectrum, long-wavelength visible and near‐IR allow unprecedented flexibility at high room-level illuminance for photography, displays, circadian lighting, sensors, plant and animal research, critical color evaluations, and many more applications. Click Here to Learn More.